Monday, October 6, 2014

I'll Organize This... Maybe

Organization is probably one of the hardest parts of a special educator's job. Between the curriculum, IEPs, Data and everything else... one can feel like they are completely drowning in paperwork!

While I am not the most organized, I do have a few tricks that help me to keep my sanity and not lose my mind each and every day. My go to organizational method COLOR CODING. I color code absolutely everything, not only does each class/subject have its own color, but each grade level has it's own color. 

Let me explain that further and provide visuals for all my visual learner peeps out there! Currently, I teach health, US history, and World history. Each class has binders and binders full of curriculum (one per unit). My health binders are all yellow, my US history binders are green, World history binders blue.
Here are the current binders that I am using for each class and I swap them out when I start my next unit. 
I am such a visual person and so often I am in a rush and just randomly grabbing things, so the colors really help me make sure that the correct binder is being grabbed. Each morning I put the handouts and lesson plan for that day in a corresponding colored folder and place it in the top part of this wonderful organizer from Costco! My materials are ready for the day that way and I have nothing to worry about. I also have colored tubs (also from costco) and I put any larger manipulatives or materials those the week that I plan on using them. 

I moved some folders around just so you could see how color coded I am, even in my data files I color coordinate! If I have goals I am collecting on certain standards, or I need work samples for certain students, examples for future classes, etc. I keep those in my file cabinet and again the colors match the binders, folders, HW section of my board, etc! 

But how do I organize those pesky IEP forms?! I use a similar technique! Each grade has its own color that they are assigned, parents love when you pull out a fun colored folder to present their child's IEP, it just shows a little extra care. Within each file I use post-its to separate information (goal progress sheets, behavior data, work samples, IEP forms, Parent contact logs, etc) I want to be able to find what I need as easily and as quickly as possible! I organize the files by IEP due date, helps me recognize what student is coming up next (I used to do alphabetical order, but found that this was much more helpful).  
Here are some other organization tools that I use in the classroom.
My para knows that if she is looking for things to copy she can always look inside the copy drawer and find items to copy with instructions.  The other two are usually empty because my TA is able to grade things in third block each day, but he also knows to look here for assignments and a key that goes with each one.

What are your organizational tips and tricks!?
I am ALWAYS looking for more so please share in the comment section!

Happy Monday fellow educators of the world.

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